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Thanking Those Who Served

November 10, 2022

Thanking Those Who Served

Veterans Day is a time for us to pay our respects to those who have served. For one day, we stand united in respect for you, our veterans.

The military men and women who serve and protect the United States come from all walks of life; they are parents, children, grandparents, friends, neighbors, and coworkers, and are an important part of their communities. Here are some facts from the History Channel about the veteran population of the United States.

• 19 million living veterans served during at least one war as of April 2021.
• 11 percent of veterans are women.
• 5.9 million veterans served during the Vietnam War.
• 7.8 million veterans served in the Gulf War era.
• Of the 16 million Americans who served during World War II, about 240,000 were still alive as of 2021.
• 933,000 veterans served during the Korean War.
• As of 2021, the top three states with the highest percentage of Veterans were Alaska, Virginia, and Montana.

This Veterans Day, take a moment to thank the members of Bermex who served our country.

Donald Lantz, Marines
Ernest Roberson, Navy
Gary Hoover, Army/Ohio National Guard
Homam Yaktin, Army
James Oldham, Air Force
Manuel Lueras, Coast Guard
Mark Everly, Army
Paul Broerman, Army
Paul Langford, Army
Phillip Hollis, Army
Terry Sabattis, Air Force