Feedback Careers

John Hamilton Celebrates 20th Anniversary

November 29, 2023

John Hamilton Celebrates 20th Anniversary

John Hamilton recently celebrated his 20th anniversary with Bermex. Learn more about the tenured meter reader.

Tell us about yourself.
I live in Reynoldsburg, Ohio and am in a long-term relationship with my girlfriend, Rebecca. I enjoy bicycling, music, and keeping up with Nebraska football.

What did you do before joining us?
I was working at Walmart, and before that, I was traveling around the country doing various contract work for a mapping utility company.

How has your career evolved over the years?
I worked for our customer as a meter reader and inspector. I’ve also read meters for Suburban Natural Gas and Northeast Ohio Natural Gas. Currently, I am reading water and electric meters.

What has kept you here?
I enjoy working outside. I like the independence and trust the company gives me to show up for work every day and do a good job out in the field.

What do you, or have you enjoyed about your job and are the proudest of?
I get to meet a variety of people and I like being able to work in different communities throughout central Ohio. Do you have any advice for others in your field? Take it day to day. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others for help. Communication is big. Practice working safely and smartly.

Would you like to thank anyone who has helped you along the way?
There are many people to thank. Don Wehmeyer, Kim Triplett, Bill Harding, Mike Hoag, Brian Houdasheldt, Paul Melton, Jim Oldham, Mark Everly, and Trevor Weidner. I’m sure there are more people, so I apologize if I have forgotten anyone.