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Meet Ron Cyr, Bermex’s Newest Meter Services Supervisor

May 3, 2023

Meet Ron Cyr, Bermex’s Newest Meter Services Supervisor

Ron Cyr, the newest meter services supervisor in Georgia, could be described as a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” kind of guy.

After a successful 30-some-year career in sales and marketing came to an unexpected end, Cyr embarked on a career change. When he moved from Florida to Georgia, Cyr wasn’t fond of the sales positions available, so he turned to the manufacturing industry. He took on low-level, labor-intensive jobs (think walking 15-20 miles a day, lifting 70- to 80-pound tires in 100-degree heat). Being a cup-half-full kind of guy, Cyr was pleased to get in a daily workout (and more), despite the undesirable conditions.

He worked tirelessly for a handful of years before deciding he wanted a job that wasn’t nearly as physically demanding at 60-some years old. “At some point in your life, you start thinking, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t be doing some of this stuff,’” said Cyr.

When he applied to Bermex in January, Cry was looking for a position where he could start in a supervisory or management role to “utilize the experience I’ve gathered over the years to help promote a team in whatever capacity that may be.”

Cyr noted, “Bermex had everything I was looking for. It has stability, growth potential, nationwide appeal, and it allowed me the opportunity to start in the middle instead of the bottom.”

In his five-month tenure with Bermex, Cyr and his team have made great strides. He’s overcome a staffing deficit, went from being three cycles behind to now one day ahead of billing, placed a heightened focus on safety, and more.

When Cyr walked in the door, he said he came with three goals.

  1. Hire additional meter readers
  2. Get caught up on reads
  3. Maintain that momentum and focus on safety/efficiency

Cyr shared, “We recently reached our goal of catching up on cycles. I promised these guys that when we get to that point, I’d take them out. So we’re planning on going bowling and playing laser tag with some wings and pizza to enjoy ourselves.”